Application Notes

Digital Oscilloscopes

Analyzing GSM Radio Protocol with a Siglent SDS2000X Plus Oscilloscope

March 10, 2020

Two SIGLENT users, Karel and Simon Sotek, recently took a SIGLENT SDS2354X Plus oscilloscope and investigated a GSM cell phone signal. Here is their report: We took a retired Siemens A36 cellphone to learn the capabilities of this new Siglent scope. Available documentation and medium-density PCB of the selected A36 made the signal probing … Continued

Measuring the Modulation Index of an AM Signal using an FFT

June 13, 2019

Introduction In AM schemes, the modulation index refers to the amplitude ratio of the modulating signal to the carrier signal. With the help of Fast-Fourier-Transforms (FFT), the modulation index can be obtained by measuring the sideband amplitude and the carrier amplitude. In this application note, we are going to show a convenient method of using … Continued

Measuring Power Supply Control Loop Response with Bode Plot II

May 24, 2019

Introduction Stability is one of the most important characteristics in power supply design. Traditionally, stability measurements require expensive frequency response analyzers (FRA) which are not always available in a laboratory. SIGLENT has released Bode Plot Ⅱ features to the SIGLENT SDS1104X-E, SDS1204X-E, SDS2000X-E, SDS2000X Plus, and SDS5000X series of oscilloscopes. When combined with a Siglent … Continued

Bode Plot of a filter using an oscilloscope and function generator

February 26, 2019

A Bode plot is a method of graphically displaying the frequency response of a system or device-under-test (DUT). Commonly, the magnitude and phase response of the device are plotted with respect to frequency using a shared horizontal frequency axis as shown in the example below:   By showing both the magnitude and phase information on … Continued

Programming Example: Retrieve data from an XE series Oscilloscope using Kotlin

February 26, 2019

The SDS series of oscilloscopes all feature remote programming and data collection capabilities. They can be integrated easily into many automated test environments to ease the setup and data acquisition during testing. One of our helpful customers developed a nice programming example designed to set up and retrieve data from a SIGLENT SDS1202X-E Oscilloscope using Kotlin, … Continued

SDS FFT performance on low frequency signals

February 26, 2019

Like many modern oscilloscopes, the SIGLENT SDS series feature FFT math functions that calculate frequency information from the acquired voltage vs. time data. FFT stands for Fast Fourier Transform, and is a common method for determining the frequency content of a time-varying signal. Converting time domain data to the frequency domain makes measuring characteristics like … Continued

Programming Example: List connected VISA compatible resources using PyVISA

February 19, 2019

PyVISA is a software library that enables Python applications to communicate with resources (typically instruments) connected to a controlling computer using different buses, including: GPIB, RS-232, LAN, and USB. This example scans and lists the available resources. It requires PyVISA to be installed (see the PyVISA documentation for more information) *** #Example that scans a … Continued